As the first triple major at Quinnipiac University ~ psychology, philosophy and music ~ Rob Gottfried's professional career is TRI ~ FOLD ...“BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE" CONCERTS...Jazz/Rock/Recording Gigs and Sessions... and educating students in the Industry as a Personal Percussion Instructor. Robs inspires students of ALL ages on many levels to build self esteem and character!
Music has been in Rob's life since his Kindergarten days - drumming for his classmates. At 5 years old, ROB expressed his Joy for Super Heroes and ART in his own original painting...

Through the years - Artists have captured Rob on canvas!
Honored to be a Winning contender in Carmine Appice’s “Best Rock Drummer of the United States” competition in LA, Rob has also recorded on Arista Records with renowned Organist, the late Larry Young, played at The Village Gate in Greenwich Village, and rocked Carnegie Hall for the Newport Jazz Festival. As a guest star on Sesame Street for six rhythm segments. BIG BIRD’s introduction started it all! ... “Hey kids - Here comes ROB THE DRUMMER!”
Shortly after Rob's SESAME STREET Performances, "The Paragon of Role-Models ~THE LONE RANGER ~ came to Connecticut!
Rob states, "He was brought into a Car dealership in Branford, CT as a promotion….and I had just been seen on Sesame Street…and was able to spend some quality time with him while he was in the State. We became Friends from there, speaking by phone a number of times between Connecticut and California…and that deep resonant voice, one of his trademarks, is the voice I try to use reacting to the Anti-Bullying segments in the RTD Show! From when I was 5…and would watch my Saturday morning programs… (with a quart of milk..and a box of cereal next to me….literally for hours!)…and looked at the screen…and Dreamed of being an Adventurer like him, this Man meant “Truth, Justice, and the American Way” for an Earthling to achieve and accomplish! The catharsis….my “living through him” at that moment, made me believe it could be….ME! Thank you, Clayton Moore, for embodying what we So wanted to become….a Spiritual Warrior doing the Right thing…for All." RTD
Rob continued in the musical world with a 16-City Tour of JAPAN for the Yamaha Music Foundation, appeared on MTV, the Nickelodeon Network, P.M. Magazine, Kid's World, Romper Room, the FOX Network, Michigan's current “ARIEL & ZOEY and ELI,TOO”
Children's Show and many other national and cable television and radio programs. This "bare foot" powerful percussionist has been described as a "one-man entertainment wizard!" . . . using DRUMS... to become a role-model beacon for today's youth. His playing and tours have taken him from Carnegie Hall to teenage drug-offender prisons in Russia.
As a Jazz/Rock recording artist, Rob historically played with "The Great Train Robbery," an 8-piece Jazz-Rock horn group touring throughout the country as New England's "Battle of the Bands" Award winner! He has filled the percussion chair with guitarist extraordinaire, Jeff Pevar, and rocks the drums for lead guitarist, vocalist, and songwriter, Desiree' Bassett, in her band “THE TIME MACHINE.” Currently, Rob is playing with the great Funk-Dance Band, AVENUE GROOVE...and ROXY PERRY, New York Blues Queen. Rob has recorded 3 CDs with "Guitar Queen" DESIREE’, lead guitarist for the Michael Jackson IMMORTAL World Tour by Cirque du Soleil, and completed CD's with soulful master Grayson Hugh, The Band “Holding Pattern” entitled Breaking the Silence, Guitarist Tony Spada's epic Prog - Rock piece, and Rob’s latest ~ SECRET SIGN featuring the luminary talents of master guitarist Tom Majesky, renowned bassist Dave Stoltz, jazz-master keyboardist Kent Hewitt, superb Latin-percussionist Jose’ Goico, and the extraordinary Jimmy Biggins on sax and flute.
HAIG SHAHVERDIAN In one’s life, there are those few individuals that impact your path so profoundly, that you are never, ever, the same….Gladly! Nationally-recognized Educator, Haig Shahverdian is one of those forces. Strongly grounded in his roots from older, immigrant Parents, his growing up in the somewhat difficult environment of New Britain, CT. in the ‘60’s, fostered a survival instinct that would make “we try harder” a concept of everyday existence. To my mind, he defines the word “Genius”….in this case someone who sees a Target that no one else is able to see…and hits a BullsEye!! He always “Danced to the beat of a Different Drummer”….and that Drummer became…ME! We have played together for years beginning in my College days….and his strict code of Character….and ability to Lead..was obvious to me even then. He was the Heir to the esteemed Hall High Jazz Program, my Alma Mater, that put West Hartford, CT. on the map through its countless winning of awards internationally…, with our making several trips to Europe accompanying the Jazz Band Concerts held there. He is truly an inspiration…and, for me, a Brother from another Mother!! He brings the "Joy" to Music!!!
ROB REMEMBERS THE DYNAMIC IMPORTANCE OF SPORTS AND MUSIC IN HIS LIFE. Some of his greatest mentors were music teachers and coaches ~ A major mentor was the renowned drummer, BUDDY RICH!
The Masterful Drummer and Percussion Mentor...Buddy Rich
The extraordinary Wynton Marsalis trumpeter, composer, teacher, music educator, and artistic director of Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York City
A dear friend ~ the Renowned Wynton Marsalis ~ trumpeter, composer, teacher, music educator, and Artistic Director of Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York City, NY "The drummer is always the center of the music and the drummer is really the conductor of the band. he controls tempo. Rob has that original joy - he's never lost it!"
NARADA MICHAEL WALDEN - Producer, Whitney Houston ~ Percussionist, Mahavishnu Orchestra & Jeff Beck "Rob is an Ambassador with a Torch of light to let kids know that their dreams can become realities...that if they stick to their music or their sports, or anything they truly love of a good nature - that it can come to fruition - that it can manifest in a beautiful and divine way."


Can Drumming Make you Smarter?
Reference Article: Here is more evidence that participation in the arts benefits the mind and the spirit. http://www.musicexplorium.com/drummingsmarter.php
References are as follows: Pat Brown, International Drum Month chairman and Percussion Marketing Council co-executive director, E. Glenn Shallenberg at the University of Toronto, Neurologist Barry Bittman of the Mind-Body Wellness Center in Meadville, Pennsylvania Agency / Source: Federation of Drums and Percussion
Music Education Leads to an Increase in Ones' IQ
NewswireToday - /newswire/ - Akron, OH, United States, 02/03/2007 - Drumming increases heart rate and blood flow just like an aerobic exercise. Music education is imperative for brain power.
Guest Drummer ~ Rob Gottfried
Distinguished Musicians to Grace the Stage at Annual “Gifts of Music” Benefit
Gregg Kallor, Joelle Lurie, Kris Allen, and Rob Gottfried http://www.courant.com/community/hc-ugc-article-distinguished-musicians-to-grace-the-stage-at-2014-10-09-story.htm