"Be the BEST You Can Be!"




Donations support ROB THE DRUMMER Concert performances in schools and community arenas targeting Anti-Drugs, Anti-Bullying, Pro-Arts, Pro-Sports, Self-esteem and Accepting Diversity


President Kennedy stated an axiom ~

“Happiness is the Full use of your Powers along the lines of Excellence!” 

Please help me to bridge this all-important gap to preserve our Cultural Heritage. Programs like ROB THE DRUMMER may be the ONLY OPPORTUNITY for many to see someone who Loves what he does in an Artistic way, and does it well along the lines of Excellence.

ROB THE DRUMMER Educational Programs, Inc. is seeking Philanthropic and Corporate support to bring the Power of Music and Drums to national young audiences!  The Mission is  INTERVENTION and PREVENTION for Early Youth Mental Health … and “Making Future Musicians and Artists!”  This critical funding enables us NOT to charge ANY type of fee to schools and special events who LACK funds! 

Funding gives me the opportunity to get into the schools so I can “Head off” that child who may sadly grow up to be a felon or worse as they progress, who  may bring severe harm to others . . .  RE~DIRECT THEM and STOP THIS PROCESS BEFORE IT HAPPENS!! 

The GOAL is first to “Get me in front of them!” in their comfortable environment ~ “captive” audiences in their own schools in a totally “live concert” environment (not just on their cell phones). Here’s their chance to FEEL what it’s like to be IN the music, because they are receptive, and the emotions and spirit and my timed words really “Go In” ~ PAST their defenses!

Our most cherished and honored moments were actually “being there” for troubled youth who self-admitted (in person and by email) that we prevented them from attempting suicide that day ~ through their timely attendance at the Show! 
We directly saved lives in those instances, and it points to the great responsibility we must feel…but we must “Be there” ~ which is why I’m asking for your support.

The core delivery within my concert attends to current mental health issues of drugs, bullying, and suicide. It HIGHLIGHTS EMPATHY ~ “What is it like to be on the Receiving end of what I put out?”  Additionally, Exploria Studios in Hartford designed unique, interactive animated ROB THE DRUMMER Character videos for my presentations, (physically displayed on a 20-foot screen live), targeting the impact of BULLYING and the NEED for PRACTICE that totally engage audiences of all ages!!! - even the attention of high school students!!

We MUST suppress the day-to-day burden on bullied youth, exacerbated through the social revolution of cell phone communication and its unique brand of isolation when used incorrectly!  I’m offering a personal and immediate invitation; a Challenge…as a Serious Direction Change for a Lifetime!

Currently, the Foundations I recently interacted with are telling us that the onslaught of youth crime must be solved ... and points directly to prevention early down the line so that the deviant behavior never has a chance to Begin. 
In the Hartford area several high school kids have been killed within the last few weeks (2024) ... and we must short circuit this process ... BECAUSE WE CAN!!

My presentation makes kids feel like they are HOME!!  It fosters a NATURAL way to make you feel better ~ through Nothing Artificial ~  to promote a better way of life for kids in need, and, again, because  I am able to make them FEEL what I’m talking about, NOT JUST TALK ...  I Have their Undivided Attention! 

The “Art of my Gift” comes in with WHAT I DO with  that Group’s Attention when I have the Honor  … of Having it!

They say “It takes a Village.”  But in today's society of divorce rates, where is the ROLE MODEL??  It is from this instability ~ the lack of someone offering guidance ~ that kids feel disenfranchised….cast asunder….and why the gangs can flourish …(”WE’LL be your Family!”)…or students may become radicalized to commit crimes; uncomfortable youth screaming to find some meaning in their lives.  As far as the Arts are concerned, Music classes are constantly being demoted and defunded, never exposing the child to an instrument or singing or dancing. ~ I am trying to make a difference!!!!

Most sincerely,
          Robert L. Gottfried
                    ROB THE DRUMMER    

You can also DONATE through the ROB THE DRUMMER Not-for-Profit . . .  

ROB THE DRUMMER Educational Programs, Inc.  501-C-3 nfp



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THE WHITE HOUSE - Hillary Rodham Clinton

"Thank you for your support of the 1997 White House Easter Egg Roll. This year 30,000 visitors enjoyed a memorable day of family activities on the White House Lawn. Your generosity contributed significantly to the success of the theme for this year’s event . . . Learning is Delightful and Delicious."


WYNTON MARSALIS - LINCOLN CENTER Artistic Director of Jazz, New York City

"Drums are a very important instrument. The drummer is always the center of the music and the drummer is really the conductor of the band. He controls tempo, dynamics, the fire and the power . . . Rob has that original joy - he‘s never lost it.



"The energy Rob brings when he steps out on stage . . . Kids gravitate toward that. He delivers this positive energy when he enters a room. He just makes you feel alive!"


NARADA MICHAEL WALDEN - Producer - Whitney Houston     Percussionist - Mahavishnu Orchestra & Jeff Beck

"He is an ambassador with a torch of light to let kids know that their dreams can become realities . . . that if they stick to their music or their sports or anything they truly love of a good nature - that it can come to fruition - that it can manifest in a beautiful and divine way



" Consider his talents and choose him to help "A positive force for our young people."

combat the war against drugs."



"I add my voice to those of his young audiences in speaking enthusiastically about Rob the Drummer.

I feel sure that this young man and his gifts would be a positive, beneficial force."



"His message is very simply, "the arts as an alternative to drugs! It is straightforward and young people can identify with it. He is truly a professional who is willing to use his talent to fight the drug crisis in our schools through the use of talent and music."


FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION - Gary M. Bald, Supervisory Special Agent

"The ability to reach these youth through music analogies presented by your first hand knowledge and experiences brings a credibility that acts like a stimulus for the youth to evaluate their perspective on this important concept

of a Drug Free America."

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WEST HARTFORD CULTURAL COUNCIL Paula Wilcox-Smith, Coordinator

"As Coordinator of the West Hartford Cultural Council I see performers, in all aspects of the arts all the time, but none with your unique blend of music and education."



" On behalf of the Simsbury Arts Council I would like to thank you for your fantastic performance. It was wonderful watching the response of the young and the old and hard to determine who enjoyed the performance more."


THE BUSHNELL - Hartford, CT - Brenda Dranoff-Lopez - Educational Programs Coordinator

"In short, the administration and I felt that your performance was exactly what the students

needed to see and hear as they embarked upon taking the Connecticut Mastery Test."


GARY CRAIG - CBS Morning Show Host - WTIC FM

" Very few drummers in this country can touch his style - he is an original, there’s no doubt about it."


DAVID STOLTZ - Bass Guitarist with Dickey Betts, formerly of the Allman Brothers.

"He has tremendous radar. When I’ve played with him with people like Leslie Gore and Clarence Clemens from Bruce Springsteen’s Band, they take notice of Rob. They might not take notice of anyone else, but they would notice him."


HAIG SHAHVERDIAN - Music Supervisor, West Hartford, CT Renowned Hall High School Jazz Band

"Some of the highs we’ve shared that come from watching kids succeed - they’re just even hard to make people understand. Rob will say, ‘When are we doing this - I can’t miss it because something great is going to happen."

I know you can’t explain it after it happens - you just have to be there WHEN it happens!"


LARY BLOOM - Editor, Connecticut Northeast Magazine, Hartford, CT

"His job is to make the kids pay attention, and you know, that if you have a serious message for kids,

they don’t want to hear it - he’s a magician!"


CT D.A.R.E. Officer, T.F.C. Rafael L. Morales

"The presentation contains and summarizes the basic fundamentals of the D.A.R.E. curriculum.

I feel by utilizing the drums as a nonverbal component of the show, it is a very effective way of educating our youth."


M.A.D.D. (Mother’s Against Drunk Driving)

"Rob’s performance was fantastic. Innovative and exciting. Our M.A.D.D. Power Camp of 1998

strongly recommends any organization involved with youth to use Rob."


KICK BUTTS DAY RALLY - Uinta Coalition for Safe & Drug Free Schools, Evanston, WY

"Rob has combined his dynamic drumming with a powerful anti-substance abuse message to audience of all ages!"


CHARACTER COUNTS - Scott Putnam, CT Coordinator

"The performance electrified the students and the adults."


RED RIBBON WEEK - Mt. ORAB MIDDLE SCHOOL Cincinnati, OH Kim Schram, Guidance

"In my 19 years of teaching/counseling I have never seen our entire student body paying such attention to a presenter."

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BRAVO! BRAVO! BRAVO! Your assembly at our school was one of the best we ever had.

I strongly recommend your show for any audience - Grades1 through 12 or adults - WHAT YOU DO WORKS!"

SILAS DEANE MIDDLE SCHOOL. . . Wethersfield, CT Kenneth S. Edwards, Principal


"From the moment Rob walked on stage (barefoot!), the boys were captivated!"



"Best pre-prom assembly in the 26 years I’ve been here"

NORTHWEST CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL . . . West Hartford, CT R.L. Callahan, Principal


"The best faculty and student ‘reviews’of any program in over 13 years of school administration."

AVON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Jerome W. Cramp, Principal


"Thank you for the finest program I have ever attended at Dean."

DEAN JUNIOR COLLEGE Franklin, MA Harry Kreshpane - Dean of Academic Affairs


" . . . you really rocked the place! The message, cleverly packaged in terms related to the concept of individual freedom, seemed to be very effective in reaching the young people."


ANN ARBOR HURON HIGH SCHOOL Ann Arbor, MI Norman E. Fischer, Counselor

"Our students proclaimed that this was the best school program they had ever attended - they are still talking about it.


VICTOR SCHTEID - Principal of a Moscow School for Juvenile Boys

"Honestly speaking, I am overwhelmed! Rob’s method of enticing the audience is simply terrific! Rob the Drummer gives forth a sense of freedom, peace and sincere interest in those who are present. He is an accomplished professional. The youngsters took to him at once. I’m sure that they will remember Rob for a very long time, maybe . . . forever!"


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"Just as Dr. King was a drum major for freedom, YOU are a drum major for hope.

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"NO ONE can get this kind of reaction out of this population!" Ann Arbor, Michigan "under-21 Prisons" of Maxey & Adrian Training Centers in the hardest young criminals to reach emotionally. ~ Director, Dr. Lee Grant,

"He helped me blow off my anger and understand how to control it."
"I feel someone famous like him is able to inspire a lot of people like me. He should go to all the schools so he could help all the kids."

"He caused me to think about life and our freedom is valuable to us and we need to stop sitting and doing nothing all day."

"He said to have something successful planned for yourself and to have value for yourself."

"I am 16 years of age and have wanted to become a musician for a while. You recently did a show for us at West Grand High School. I just wanted to thank you for your appearance at our school. I had no motivation to pursue any of my dreams or wishes until you came along. You have inspired me inspired me, and in the four days since you did your show, I have unlocked talents I never even dreamed of having. Thank you so much Rob. You have changed my life."

I'm more likely to listen to a drummer that I respect than my parents. You really don't know how much talking to you means to me. I've always wanted to talk to someone who's made it in that business and knows people in the field.
Well thank you again for your time, and changing my life forever!"


Dear Rob the Drummer:
"Your performance was amazing! I happened to be a Guest Teacher for a Third Grade Class the day of your concert and I was so moved by the experience. I have been in search of my passion for so long, it was great to see someone like yourself who has obtained that goal. I'm trying to reach out to Elementary aged children through my Guest Teaching experiences, but it can become a huge challenge.
Thank you for inspiring me not to give up my search for my passion. Although I've tried many, many things, I have yet to discover my true gift."
Keep up the great work!


You made such a huge impact on my son, Brandon 6yrs.old in K-1..... HE TALKED ABOUT ALL LAST NIGHT...... He learned alot of positive insight from your being there.....it's wonderful! I wanted to take a minute and
personally thank you, thank you for going to the school, the kids lovedyou!!!


You really made the day for a couple of my little guys who are going through a rough time right now. My gutsy little guy who wanted to twirl the pipes is just full of personality. His dad is just out of jail but most likely heading back for a long haul due to drugs so I hope your message got through to the little guy. The other bigger kid that you commented on his dancing right in front of your drums is also having a tough time. His dad died this past year and his mom is rarely there for him. Both of these kids as well as my entire class had one of the best times of their lives. Just wanted you know how sometimes one or two sentences to a child can completely make a difference. Thanks again for a fabulous time...and I'll try and cut down on the coffee! Donna Sink - Michigan Teacher

When I first walked into the assembly I thought it was just going to be another one of those boring speakers telling us about drugs and things we had already learned about like 100 times before, but the way you taught it was different..you inspired me to try my best and fulfill my dreams. I only wish that my step dad would have been there to see you. I thought your performance was incredible and I hope to stay in touch with you, you’re a great guy for teaching us about the meaningful things in life and telling us to work hard and get better at our dreams to accomplish them.

Dear Rob,
I, too, wanted to thank you. I teach the district program for children w/ severe behavioral, emotional, and mental health issues. This is their last opportunity to stay in a district program before we have to move them to a regional or county program. I have been working a special child I have been doing this for 33 yrs., and he is one of the most challenging, yet interesting children I have worked w/. The same messages you deliver to the kids are core elements of this program, but it is so important for them to hear them from others. It is rare for them to have any positive male role models in their lives and he falls into this category. I have NEVER seen him so inspired by anyone or anything as he was by you. The adults in this bldg. truly embrace my students, and SO many of them came to him or me
to tell us how cool it was that he was able to be in the limelight in front of his peers. He told me that he was famous now and wants to be called "Big Z". He carried his drumsticks around w/ him all day. We let all of his 3rd grade classmates watch his DVD.

"Rob’s show was important because some students give up when they can’t do something. I like how he speaks to people, especially teens."

"Rob, thanks for the inspiration! That’s something most teenagers need these days in Detroit and all around."
"I would say that his message is a great way to get young kids attention."


"He made people think about learning from their mistakes. When you get in the real world you will know what to do."

"We all want a job and some people don’t have one, so we need to work as a team to get one."

"His message is important to hear because kids might drop out of school."

"He moved the crowd and acted with an animated character.""He influenced me and other people to practice and do what you love, and believe in yourself and not let people bully you."

"He came to share his music and his talents and he wants us to follow our dreams."




Meet Rob Gottfried

ANTI-DRUGS ~ ANTI-BULLYING... Rob's DRUMS captivate and inspire self esteem!
His INTERVENTION / PREVENTION MESSAGE saves lives!  His K-12 “Be the BEST You Can BE!” school concerts target Anti-Substance Abuse, Anti-Bullying, Accepting Diversity, Pro-Arts, Pro-Sports, and building Self Esteem across the USA!
Robert L. Gottfried, ROB THE DRUMMER is a Motivational Speaker, Mentor, Role Model and Jazz/Rock Percussion Artist. 

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The need...
The message

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